Jennifer Stoner Interiors Information Security Policy

Overview:  This policy is intended to relay the importance of security and protecting cardholder data.

Purpose:  To establish Jennifer Stoner Interior’s policy for the secure handling of sensitive card holder data including but not limited to magnetic strip data, Primary Account Numbers (PAN’s), expiration date, and service code. 

Scope:  This policy applies to all employees and systems of Jennifer Stoner Interiors

Policies to Protect and Manage Cardholder Data:  The importance of protecting cardholder data is paramount. Allowing data theft or destruction, inadvertently sharing confidential information, infecting system networks with viruses, misuse of company resources, allowing the theft of company property, and allowing the compromise of private or confidential company or client information are all very real examples of what might result from a security compromise.

  • A firewall is established and maintained between your cardholder data and anybody other than those who have explicit permission. 
  • All default logins and passwords should be changed when installing any software. 
  • Strong cryptography and security protocols, such as SSH, TLS or IPSEC, are to be used to safeguard sensitive cardholder data during transmission over open, public networks.
  • All sending of unencrypted Primary Account Numbers by end-user messaging technologies (i.e., email, instant messaging, and chat) are strictly prohibited.  If a PAN must be sent by end-user messaging, only email is allowed and the PAN will be encrypted using WinZip.  The WinZip password will be communicated to the end user by means other than end user messaging (phone or fax is allowed).
  • Ensure that you are using anti-virus software on all systems.
  • Keep your software up to date with vendor supplied patches in a timely manner and maintain all software applications securely and according to industry best practices, regularly test, validate and monitor your software applications.
  • Access to system components and cardholder data is limited to only those authorized individuals whose job require such access or have a need-to-know.  This authority is granted by senior management and reviewed annually.
  • All paper that contains cardholder data is to be identified and physically secured in a locked drawer. No electronic cardholder data will ever be stored.
  • Strict control is to be maintained over the internal or external distribution of any kind ofmedia that contains cardholder data
  • Media is classified and clearly marked as confidential
  • Media is sent by secured courier or other delivery method that can be accurately tracked
  • Management approval is to be obtained prior to moving any and all media containing cardholder data from a secured area.
  • Strict control must be maintained over the storage and accessibility of media that contains cardholder data.
  • Media containing cardholder data is to be destroyed when it is no longer needed for business or legal reasons.
  • Paper materials are to be shredded, incinerated, or pulped so that cardholder data cannot be reconstructed.
  • The general rule is that media containing cardholder date will be destroyed when over 180 days old.  Exceptions to the rule must be approved by senior management.

Policy Maintenance and Employee/Contractor Awareness

  • Review of this policy will be conducted on an annual basis or as changes to the environment occur
  • Usage of employee-facing technologies such as remote access, wireless, electronic media, internet, PDA’s and wireless will adhere to the following:
  • No unauthorized equipment can be brought in or set up in [Merchant Name] facility.  This includes, but is not limited to modems, computers, or wireless devices.
  • Wireless devices must be set up securely by establishing secure accounts/passwords, disabling SSID broadcasts, and using the highest available encryption for the device.
  • One or more employees will be designated with security responsibility.
  • Incident response documents will be created, reviewed by all employees, and will be updated on an annual basis.
  • These security policies will be formally reviewed annually with all employees/contractors.             
  • A list of Service Providers must be maintained.  This list will be updated and reviewed by senior management when necessary but at every 180 days.
  • A written Agreement that includes an acknowledgement that the service providers are responsible for the security of cardholder data the service provider posses is required from each Service Provider.
  • Due diligence is to be performed prior to the engagement of Service Providers.  Procedures performed will include when possible:
  • A visit to the Service Providers physical offices to discuss security practices and procedure with their management and staff.
  • A written statement acknowledging their responsibilities to securely process, handle and transmit cardholder data.
  • Written proof that the Service Provider is PCI compliant.
  • Request reliable industry references.
  • A program is to be maintained to monitor Service Providers’ PCI DSS compliance status.  On an annual basis a request for a new compliance certificate will be requested.